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In the heart of Tegucigalpa

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Communications Coordinator Ms. Fany with her classroom

Tegucigalpa Christian Academy
Little feet walk the halls of Tegucigalpa Christian Academy on their way to class. But a day at school for these students is far from ordinary. With dedicated teachers, classrooms that ignite curiosity, and lessons that build character, Lifeline’s school is changing lives!

The school is in Predios del Recreo, a community of Honduras's capital, Tegucigalpa. The area has many small businesses such as family-owned grocery stores (pulperias), tortillas shops and clothing stores. 

Yet despite the commerce here, the majority of the available local jobs do not provide long-term stability. Economic vulnerability is a significant challenge. 

Parents here want to see their children thrive. They know that education is one of the best ways to set their children up for success. But access and finances pose a serious barrier to education.

That is why, in 2019, Lifeline opened this school. It is an affordable school that provides a Christ-centered bilingual education.

The school's vision:

Students grow spiritually, develop character, and become empowered with life skills. Through their education, they uncover their full potential. By reaching their potential, they will discover a future full of possibilities and can become leaders of community transformation.

Christian education:
Each student builds a solid foundation of Christian values through the school. Staff often hear stories of ways that the students shine the light of God's love with their families!

The school staff ensures that students and their families are well-loved. Sometimes parents share with the staff difficult situations at home. This opens the opportunity for students and staff join together and pray for them. And it opens the door for staff to provide guidance and, when possible, assistance of various kinds.

The importance of bilingual education:
In Honduras, and particularly in the capital, a bilingual education opens more employment opportunities for students after graduation. English speakers are in high demand due to the types of industry here, such as import/export businesses. By being fluent in English, individuals gain access to a wider range of jobs, which benefits them, their families and ultimately the entire community.


We are excited for how God will continue to work through this school! As this is a fairly new school, we add a grade level each year. In 2023, we added 4th grade.

Your partnership makes our school affordable for all students. The impact on this community is tremendous. 

We trust God is working through our school to impact the lives of our students, parents and teachers. Please join us in continued prayer for our school.