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Just in Time

Lifeline meals open the door to the good news of Jesus Christ!

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

Lifeline's meals ministry is a labor of love, generosity and service. Meals flow from North America into many nations, including my country: Guatemala!

When Lifeline meals arrive here, local church and community leaders decide how to distribute the food. It is a collaborative effort.

On distribution day, the crowd gathers. We talk about the blessings the food will bring to their family,  how to prepare it, and its nutritional benefits.

The most important part of our time together is sharing of the word of God and prayer. This time is truly something special.

Then everyone goes home, meal boxes in hand. They gather firewood. A cooking fire is lit, a pot of water is set on over the fire, a bag of rice and beans is poured in. Children and adults wait expectantly for the food to cook. 

As they eat, they savor it. They talk about their daily lives and hopes for their circumstances to improve. 

SaraOne such person is Sara, who lives in the village of Concepción Pínula. A few days earlier, Sara gave birth to her first baby. Her partner had recently been fired, and she had stopped working due to her pregnancy.

The day we met Sara, she had no food for her family. 

Our offer of food arrived just in time. God knew her needs.

Sara went home that day with hope in her heart and food for her family. “I am so grateful for what the church has done for my family!” she said.

As these blessings flow through homes and families, I am reminded of the favor of God. God is faithful: He does what He promises to do. He arrives just in time. But He also wants us to be part of these blessings by working together in unity and with generosity. 

We will continue to proclaim and demonstrate the good news to the communities around us because we know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life.

You can help more meals and the good news of Jesus Christ reach more people around the world!