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La Plaza: Transforming a Community!

Can you describe the inside of an empty steel shipping container? They are dark inside, colorless, and lifeless. Their usual use is to transport freight.

But through a Lifeline ministry called "Container Outfitting," old shipping containers are finding new purpose: mobilizing, developing, and empowering people and communities!

La PlazaA beautiful example is now in Omoa, Honduras. A used shipping container is now a vibrant restaurant!

How was this done? Richwood Church of Christ (Ohio) mobilized their congregation to make this a reality.
(Watch their promotional video HERE.) 

Some of the church members painted the exterior. Others installed drywall, power, and flooring, and cut out space for windows, and doors. Other restaurant and finishing supplies were then packed inside, the container was sealed, and it was then shipped to Honduras.

Once in Omoa, Honduran skilled workers were employed to complete the project. They set the container on footers, installed the windows and other furnishings, connected the electric power, and built out the patio.

After many months of work, the container is now a restaurant, locally known as La Plaza!

At La Plaza, the menu includes pizza, tacos, wings, chicken fingers, nachos, and frozen drinks. All of the menu ingredients and service items are purchased locally, which is a boon the the local economy!

Customers gather to eat and hang out at the outdoor seating area, under a shelter lit up by strings of lights. There is nothing quite like it in Omoa!

But La Plaza is unique for another reason too. The staff are young women who grew up in Lifeline's children's home in Omoa. Young adults now, they are working at the restaurant and learning many skills that can take them far in life: customer service, business and finance, leadership, and cooking.

What they are hearing and observing from customers is inspiring them to work hard and dream big! Customers say they love the food and return with friends and family. 

Beyond the soft skills they are learning, these girls are also earning an income, which is helping fund their university studies.

Excitement is in the air! The restaurant staff is already thinking creatively about La Plaza's future: expanding the menu, trying new recipes, and adding more features to the seating area to make it even more enjoyable! 

Learn more about the container outfitting ministry.

La Plaza menu photos
La Plaza tacos