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Learning to Love Jesus and Serve Others

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

In every community around the world, people need to know Jesus. At Tegucigalpa Christian School in Honduras, that's why one of the school’s goals is to guide every student to love Jesus and develop a heart for serving others. Why? Because we want them to become future leaders, missionaries, and pastors right here in our country or somewhere else in the world. 

Every day our students have devotional time and attend a Bible class, where they learn the principles of serving and loving Jesus. Our Bible teacher, Mrs. Carmen, said,

I have had beautiful experiences working with our students! I have listened to students talk about the problems they face.

I know God has huge plans for our school. I am so grateful that my students enjoy Bible class. We are sowing the word of God, and I know it will bear fruit as Matthew 13:8 says. 

I am blessed to be in a job where I can preach the word of God to every student. I look forward to being able to see the fruit. I feel proud of the work I am doing, yet the honor and glory will always be first for God, because without Him, we are nothing.

Students are putting in practice what they learn in Bible class. Second and 3rd grade students (our highest grades, right now) moved Pastor Starky’s heart one day in devotional time. They decided to put the chairs in order so that the youngest students could sit up front to listen to the word of God. Diego, a 3rd grade student, made a craft of the cross and gave it to the principal so she could use it during devotional time, saying, “I made this cross to help you to teach about it tomorrow in devotional time. I made it because I love Jesus.” 

Every day students await Bible class and are eager to learn about God. Many of our students' parents do not attend any church or are not Christians. This school is the only place where our students are hearing the word of God.

One of our teachers, Miss Funez, reflected on spiritual growth that she has seen among her students.  She said,

At the beginning of this school year, my students' behavior was not great. Their social skills declined during the pandemic, when they were learning from home for 2 years. They missed out on being with other students. When they returned to the classroom, I saw a lot of selfishness. Oftentimes, there were fights. But over time, students have relearned how to coexist and share. Bible class and God have been shaping their behavior. They have learned to serve others. I have seen that sometimes when they fight, they forgive each other, hug, and cry. 

I know God is working with them. To see these things makes me feel lucky because I am learning from them what is to forgive and have a pure heart. When I saw them arranging the chairs for the younger students to sit and be comfortable during Bible time, I was so happy. God is working silently. Sometimes we don't see it unless we really pay attention. 

Please pray for these little children to get to know Jesus as their savior. Pray for them to never forget how God loves them. And pray for their parents and relatives to get to know Jesus as well. 

Do you love what this school is doing? Become a Together partner! Your financial support will help with administrative, programmatic, and spiritual needs of the children. You will receive updates from the school and also have the opportunity to send gift kits, such as hygiene packs or school supplies, so that every child receives a gift and feels loved. Find out more about being a Together Partner with this school!

Left to right: Mrs. Carmen (Bible teacher) and Miss Funez (classroom teacher)