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Learning to Serve Others

Lifeline students stepped up to proclaim and be the good news of Jesus in their community, in partnership with a mission team!

Otoniel leading a Bible lesson

Seniors at Lifeline's school in Ocotillo led a service day at a nearby low income public school, and members of a visiting mission team followed their leadership.

“When we arrived at the school, we prayed for God’s guidance,”
shared senior Otoniel. He was once an elementary student at this very school!

“We started the morning with a devotional and kids' songs,” Otoniel said. “Then, I talked to the children about integrity, using the story of Daniel and the lion's den. While telling that story, I saw my preschool teacher. I felt it was something symbolic. I was nostalgic being in front of the children.”

After the songs and message, the children did a craft centered on Proverbs 10:9: “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.”

students ready to paintThen, it was time to work! The seniors and mission team picked up paint brushes and set about painting the classrooms. It was a day of hard work… and the school staff appreciated their teamwork and help! 

“It is a blessing not only that they came to paint the classrooms but that they came to share the gospel of salvation with the children!” shared the public school principal, Ella Antonia Gomez.

Learning to serve others is an important lesson for students. And mission trip participants may to come alongside Lifeline students to help them minister to their communities! Learn about trip opportunities here!

team member with students