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Leaving Behind Former Ways... to Become a Pastor!

Written by Dany Zaldana, El Salvador Country Co-Director

I want to share with you the story of how Pastor Rubén Flores was called to church ministry.

When Rubén was a young man in El Salvador, he struggled with many vices. Over time, he became involved with gangs that were active in his neighborhood, where he lived with his parents.

One day, Pastor Alejandro (pastor of Lifeline Christian Church San Julian) met Rubén. At the time, Rubén did not know Christ and was not involved in a church. But Pastor Alejandro was bold, and told Rubén about the San Julian sports ministry and the opportunity to play soccer with the church's team.

He also asked Rubén if he wanted to change his life. Pastor Alejandro shared with him about God's grace. He told Rubén that God accepted him as he was, no matter what he had done in his past. Through this simple, bold, and direct explanation of Christ's love and grace, Rubén decided to give his life to Christ and be baptized!

Ruben and familySoon Rubén decided that he wanted to not only be involved in the church, but also to study to be a pastor. He enrolled in the Lifeline Bible Institute in El Salvador and began his studies. Although the road was not easy and he dealt with the temptation to return to his neighborhood and friends, Rubén graduated from the Institute! Soon, God led him to be the pastor of Lifeline Christian Church Chalchuapa in El Salvador.
He and his wife Regina have a daughter Alison, who dreams of being a doctor. They pray that Alison will fulfill this dream with God's help. 
Lifeline Christian Church Chalchuapa is healthy and strong. The church members know that Pastor Rubén is a gifted, strong leader.

It is not easy for our churches. COVID-19 has caused many things to change. But we know that God will move us forward.

Join us in praying for Lifeline pastors and Lifeline ministries, that God will guide and lead the way in all that we do.