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Let the Little Children Come

Claudia lives in a crowded house in San José Pínula, Guatemala. She is busy caring for five children ranging in age from 2 to 11, including 3 nieces who have been in her care for three years. Her nieces consider Claudia to be their mother.

To support the 11 family members living under her roof, occasionally Claudia cleans houses and receives food assistance from the government.

When Claudia noticed that her nieces were bickering a lot, especially the two oldest ones, she became concerned. It put an extra strain on her. 

Claudia was tired and didn’t know what to do.

One day she heard a knock on her door. Two members of the local Lifeline church had come to invite the children to a 3-month Saturday youth Bible program. 

Claudia did not have to think twice! To her, it was the opportunity to have peace and quiet in her home for at least an hour every Saturday!

Through the program, all five children began to learn about the love of God. They did art projects, learned Bible songs, and received special attention from the two women who had visited the home. The children looked forward to Saturday mornings… and so did Claudia!

One Saturday at the end of class the teacher asked, “Who wants to go to church with us?” All five children raised their hands!

Claudia was thrilled to hear this! 

Now, for two months, the children have been attending church every Sunday. Claudia sees that her nieces have stopped bickering. And, the children want their family members to come to church on Sundays with them.

“God is working in my life now,” Claudia said. “I have even been invited to attend a nearby house church.”  

Please pray for the children to continue seeking to know God better and for Claudia’s faith to be strengthened.

Youth are the future of the church... and even though young, they can proclaim and demonstrate God's goodness! 

Read more stories about how God is reaching into the lives of young people through Lifeline's youth ministries.