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Love in Action

When you walk into a Lifeline Centre, it's undeniable: something special is happening! 

People are laughing, and families and neighbors are working side by side. Everyone is having fun! 

Yet besides the fun, something even more special is unfolding. People are being the hands and feet of Jesus, expressing His love in a unique way to spread hope to others around the world! 

Sarah, who packed meals with her family at a Lifeline Centre, said,

When I brought my family to pack meals at Lifeline, I thought we were just going to put food in boxes for an hour. But much to my surprise, it was way more than that!

My children fell in love with putting the ingredients in the bags, sealing and boxing them. They got to learn and understand that what they were doing was helping other families, and they now regularly ask to do more!

I am grateful for the opportunity to support my local Lifeline Centre because I love to teach my kids about missions through the meal packing experience. I also love that when we leave, we know that the meals we just packed will help families in need.

This month, more than ever, the music is turned up! Communities are coming together to serve and love the people in Somalia. People of all ages, abilities and backgrounds are serving at their local Lifeline Centre, working together to help those who are in desperate need. 

Just this past week, 50,000 meals were packed for Somalia by 300+ people!

We're well on our way to packing our October goal of 285,000 meals, but we need YOU to help! Text a friend, bring your family members and invite your small group to come to the next community pack this month!

The meals you pack in October will change lives for people in Somalia by providing:

  • much-needed nutrition for women, children and vulnerable people who are suffering from famine and drought

  • daily lunches for a young girls leadership academy in Mogadishu

  • nutrition for the Love Does Baby Home

  • hope for survivors and women in the Love Does Safe House. 

Your generous donation of time and resources at your local Lifeline Centre make a direct impact on the lives of people around the world!

Click on your local Lifeline Centre, and then select "Join a Meal Pack."

Thank you for expressing God's Love, one meal at a time. 

"For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink.
I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home."
Matthew 25:35

When you pack meals at a Lifeline Centre, you put love into action by sending meals to people in need. In October, meals you pack will go to Somalia!