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Meet Aracely and her son Fredy!

Meet Aracely and her son Fredy!

"My name is Aracely, and my son is Fredy.  He is 5 years old and is a kindergartner at Lifeline’s school in Ocotillo, Honduras.  Let me tell you a little about my sweet son! First of all, he is full of imagination, like most five year olds! He is also smart, kind, funny, and friendly. I love him so much! I always ask God to protect him with good health and to help him to grow well in all ways. My dreams are for him to be educated through high school and beyond, and for him to find a career that he loves which uses his God-given talents and gifts.

"I chose to send him to this school because it has a reputation for being the best school in the area. Students at this school are strong students, and the teachers demand quality work and provide quality education. What is most important to me is that Fredy receives a Christian education. I know that at this school, the teachers model Christian values and principles, and I know they will challenge him to be his best. Already, even though he is still young, I see that this school is having a positive impact on Fredy. I appreciate the role that his teacher and the staff are playing in his life!"

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