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Meet Kenia and her daughter Alexandra!

Meet Kenia and her daughter Alexandra!

"My name is Kenia, and I’d like to introduce you to my daughter Alexandra. Alexandra is in preschool at Lifeline’s school in Ocotillo, Honduras. She is 3 years old. Even as young as she is, I can say that Alexandra is active, kind, smart, and loving! I love her so much!

I pray to God every day that she will be able to study hard throughout her youth, so that she can achieve her goals and dreams and be someone important in her field.

I chose to send Alexandra to Lifeline’s school in Ocotillo because it is known to be an excellent school and because it provides a strong Christian education. The staff is responsible, and they really focus on the best teaching methods. I appreciate, too, that the children have access to the medical and dental clinics which are right next to the school, if ever they need any special care. I am confident that at this school, my daughter will get a wonderful education. I am hopeful and excited for her future!"

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