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Meet Pastor Mauricio: Developing Leaders in Honduras

Written by Kesaia Cojon, Honduras Together Manager

Pastor MauricioFor 7 years, Pastor Mauricio has been serving as pastor of Santa Cruz Christian Church, located in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras. His wife Johana works with youth in the Sunday school classes. He has two sons.

He decided to become a pastor when he started to sense that God was preparing him for the ministry and specifically for the locations where he would serve.

Pastor Mauricio has a strong burden to develop and invest in the church’s elders, deacons, and house church leaders. 

One young leader is Bryan Marquina, who graduated from Lifeline’s Bible Institute in 2017.

Bryan shares, “Pastor Mauricio has had a great influence on my life. He and his wife have supported me not only spiritually but personally too. They have made me part of their family. They have encouraged me to evangelize. Together, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we started a new ministry in Los Naranjos, a community of Santa Cruz de Yojoa. I now work full-time with this ministry. Pastor Mauricio is a visionary who has been a great encourager for me.”

Pastor Mauricio asks for prayer for his church, which wants to purchase land, and for new leaders to step up who want to serve God.

Pastor Mauricio
Pastor Mauricio, on left; Bryan, on right