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Meet Sister Nadie: "I Am a Missionary"

Hello! My name is Sister Nadie. I want to share with you how God has used me as His instrument in Lifeline Christian Church of Grand-Goâve, all for His glory.

Sister NadieI live in Grand-Goâve, Haiti. This small town is one of the oldest communities in Haiti. Life here is diverse. Most of the elders are farmers, and the adults may have jobs as teachers, technicians, and builders; and some work for international non-profit organizations.

Lifeline Christian Mission has played an important role in the city, but also in my life. 
When Lifeline started a church here in 1981, I was one of the first people to come! At that time, I was not a Christian, and my life was certainly not perfect in the sight of God. There were only a few churches in the city then, and very few people here were Christians. It was difficult for me to make the choice to become a disciple of Christ, but I felt that God was calling me to become His servant, so I obeyed.

I dedicated my life to being a discipler for Christ after a lady laughed at me and my children because we were Christians. I consider myself a missionary, and I go with Lifeline pastors to other Lifeline churches in the area, where we invest in God's servants and help start new churches.

God transformed my life in many ways. I was able to find a job to take care of my family. I am now retired, but my two children Yviau and Roseline now work for Lifeline and continue to share the love of God with His people!

No matter who you are or what you've been through, God can always use you for His glory!