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Meet Wislaine and her son Eliwed!

Meet Wislaine and her son Eliwed!

"My name is Wislaine. I’d like to introduce you to my son Eliwed. He is ten years old and is in the third grade at Lifeline Christian Mission’s school in Deuxième-Plaine, Haiti. Eliwed is such an intelligent boy! He always tries to get good grades in school and is motivated to do his homework even if it is difficult. Encouraging and caring for his classmates are important to him. I would like you to pray that God will continue to build his character so that he can progress in his schooling and grow up to be a good Christian man.

I chose to send Eliwed to this school because it is affordable and because students get a hot meal every day at school. What makes me love this school is that it is a Christian school where my son can learn more about God. The staff stay in touch with the parents, and they keep us informed about our children’s progress. Lifeline’s school keeps Eliwed on a path that will lead him to success!

This school is impacting my son in positive ways by helping him to get a good education and to become a good follower of Christ. Our society does not offer much to our children; so, when they can attend a school where they are loved and cared for, it is a blessing! Lifeline’s school has changed my son’s personality tremendously, and I am a blessed mother because of it!"

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