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More Joy!

Written by Sherry Montgomery Perciful, Louisville Centre Partnership Coordinator

is associated with greater joy. Who doesn’t want that?

Our Lifeline Centres are grateful for the joy that our Centre Partners bring to so many.

These are
businesses, churches and individuals who embrace gratitude. They want to be part of something bigger and more meaningful. Their donations help each Centre provide a community space for people to join together to provide meals for children and families in our local community and around the world.

Our Centre Partners realize that their partnership can change the lives and futures of those in need. 

Here’s what business, church and individual Centre Partners have to say:

From Schneider Electric,
Rachael says: 

I’ve been so thankful that Schneider Electric sees the vision of impacting our communities with grants that assist worthy organizations like Lifeline. It has inspired me to tell others about the amazing things that Lifeline does (especially since I was able to see it first-hand on a Lifeline mission trip to Honduras). 

From Northeast Christian Church, Leslie says,

Northeast Christian Church was led to be a Centre Partner because it aligns with our vision to help people flourish into self-sustainable communities that love Jesus, meet tangible needs and serve one another in love. 

The Centre has been an easy place for families, small groups and teams to serve. The Centre introduces people locally to global needs. It’s not just about rice and beans!

And Libby, an individual Centre Partner,

With the Lifeline Centre, I’m happy and confident knowing where my donations are going and how they are helping others.

Our Centre Partners’ impact continues
all year long, even when they’re not physically at the Centre. Their joy is shared by all who gather at the Centres and by those who receive meals. 

Joy... it's contagious!

Want to know how you or your organization can share in our joy and gratitude? Visit the site of your local Centre:

Lifeline Centres are 100% funded by donations.