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My Heart Is At Peace

As told by Marie H., and translated by Raynald M.

Marie HerlaineMy name is Marie. I am a mother of three children, and I have no partner or spouse. I'm a vendor: I sell goods on the street to people so that I can take care of my family.

Today I want to tell you how much Lifeline's school has been a blessing to my two sons.

My two sons, Wilkens and Horisson, had attended a different school for a while. But there, they had a lot of trouble learning, and usually I didn't have money for them to buy food at school.

I wanted to enroll them somewhere else; but schools are very expensive in the area. For a parent, it is difficult to raise children here, educate them, and teach them to lead a godly life.

I heard of a good yet inexpensive school run by Lifeline Christian Mission. At the first opportunity, I enrolled my boys and transferred them there. They are so happy to be in a place now where they can learn well and also have a meal each day!

I have wanted to share this testimony for some time. I am so pleased to share my story with those who support this wonderful school. 

I used to struggle to take care of my family. Now, I am able to pay my rent! My heart is at peace because my sons are in a school that cares about them.

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Marie Herlaine and sons