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No More Late Nights for Susan!

When a healthcare team went to Guatemala, they provided much more than medical services. For Susana Torres and her children, they opened doors to improved health, spiritual health and more! Here is her story:

My name is Susana Torres. I am 34 years old, and I live with my family in Concepción Pínula, Guatemala. 

To earn money, I make and sell tortillas out of my house. It is a very tiring job! I work seven days a week.

My daughter Viviana (8) and my son Carlos (6) have respiratory problems. Often I have had to stay up late taking care of them when they have trouble breathing.

One day in July, I overheard people talking outside about some healthcare professionals who had come to provide services nearby. They talked so positively about their appointments that I thought about going with my children. I hesitated. Closing my business for even a few hours would impact my income. 

But by the next day, I had changed my mind. I took Viviana and Carlos to the clinic which was being held at the nearby Lifeline church. I am so glad I did!

My children were well cared for and received the medications that they needed. Since then, their health has improved, and I have not had to stay up late with them as I used to.

That day at the clinic, we met Pastor Bryan. He invited my children to attend the youth activities at the church which they have enjoyed. I am very proud of them. 

Pastor Bryan also has invited me to church. He visits me and encourages me to attend. Although I am very busy with my business and family, I hope God gives me the opportunity to go soon.

I am grateful for the visiting healthcare team. Because of them and their prayers, our lives have improved. They opened doors to better physical health as well as spiritual help. I am so grateful for their generosity, compassion and care.

When a team prayerfully goes to serve people in another place and culture, the impact of their presence goes far beyond what they imagine! Susana and her children are in a better place physically and spiritually thanks to the visiting team.

Where will God take you in 2024?