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Obeying the Great Commandment in Honduras

Denis is a student at Lifeline’s Bible Institute in Honduras. He will graduate in December 2021! Here, he shares about his experiences as a Bible Institute student and the school's impact on his life and faith. 

Denis doing ministry

I am thankful to God who allows us to have life and health to continue each day and who fills us with the desire to serve others.

My experience at the Bible Institute has been excellent! Academically, it has been a great experience for me. The way the pastors and teachers teach the classes is very practical. The students learn to put into practice what we learn each week. Pastors in different areas of Honduras mentor us as we learn to do ministry in the field.

Denis preachingOn a daily basis, I am learning to share with others freely about God’s Word and about the Lord Jesus Christ.

During my time at the Institute, I have been away from my family, which has not been easy. This is the first time I’ve been apart from them.

After graduation in December, my goal is to obey the commandment of going and preaching the gospel to all. In fact, it is this commandment that motivated me to come to the Bible Institute. I wanted to deepen my understanding of Scripture and learn to teach others to love the Bible.

I ask you to pray for me and for the decisions I have to make. I want them to be directed by God and not by my will.

I would like to thank the pastors and teachers who inspired me to enroll in the Bible Institute and who have taught and mentored me. I would also like to thank my classmates. Together we motivate each other to follow God’s path each and every day.
Denis at the Institute