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Planting the Seeds of Trust

Only 500 families live in the village of El Colorado, Guatemala. Located too far from any government services yet impacted by the pandemic, the people there were struggling. Children were experiencing malnutrition. Low-income families were not able to feed their children. When leaders in Lifeline’s San José Pinula Christian Church recognized this, they took action.

El Colorado food distributionDeybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director, says, 
“In May, a container of Lifeline meals, packed and sent by donors in the USA, arrived in Guatemala! What a blessing! With the help of the local mayor’s office, we took the food to El Colorado to bless 100 families with food and the Word of God.

"We decided that we wanted to help even more people in that region. In June, we drove 1½ hours beyond El Colorado to bless 52 additional families with food. Their hearts were filled with joy and hope upon receiving the Word of God.

"This has given us the opportunity to return and not be strangers. In places like El Colorado, those who are not from the village are often distrusted and not allowed to visit. But, for the Lord’s church, this is not true! We have the opportunity now to return with God’s Word and to love this community."

We praise God for opening this door to this community. The seeds of trust and new relationships in Jesus' name have been sown. 

Learn more about Deybee and his vision for Kingdom work in Guatemala.