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Pray for Haiti

You may be following the news about Haiti. A lot of turmoil has been happening there recently. If you have been to Haiti with Lifeline, most likely your heart is often deeply troubled for the people there and what is happening in the country. It is a special place to many of us, a beautiful country with beautiful dear people. 
Haiti has faced a variety of challenges since becoming an independent nation in 1804. “Dèyè mòn gen mòn” is a phrase that Haitians all know: “Beyond mountains are more mountains.” This describes not only the stunning mountainous landscape but also daily life there. But lately, the mountains have seemed even higher. 

Nationwide protests had been gaining momentum for weeks over lavi chè, the high cost of living. But, when the prime minister announced another hike in fuel prices last week, more than doubling the price at the pump, the streets erupted with anger. The protests remain intense and widespread and are paralyzing the streets of Haiti’s larger cities.
For the average Haitians who depend upon moto-taxis and buses to get around, this is devastating to their livelihoods. Complicating matters are the gangs which interfere with fuel at gas stations. Too often, even though fuel may be at gas stations, the public is unable to buy it there; yet, it is abundantly available on the black market for as much as $20-$25 per gallon. For Lifeline facilities that depend on power from generators, only limited electricity, internet, and water are available now.
Haitians are also upset over delayed elections. The assassination in 2021 of President Jovenel Moise remains unsolved. For 3 years the government has been ruled by decree, led now by an appointed prime minister. The terms of all but 10 senators have expired. Fair and transparent presidential and general elections are hard to imagine and are not on the near horizon.
Gangs are proliferating in this power vacuum. Simply getting to work, the local market, or school in many areas can be risky and even scary. Gangs are heavily armed, more so than the national police. They control large portions of major cities and have cut off the supply chains from the ports which prevents basic necessities, including water, from being delivered throughout the country. Terrifyingly, gangs kidnap both the rich and the poor for ransom. Hundreds of innocent people have died as a result of warring gangs vying for control, power, and influence.
Inflation hit 31% in the midst of all of this. The restricted supply chain and the devaluation of the Haitian currency have caused prices of rice and beans (staples in the Haitian diet) to soar in recent months. The World Food Programme estimates that 4.5  million Haitians need immediate food assistance. That’s nearly half of the country’s population.
Sadly, all of these issues caused the opening of the new school year to be delayed nationwide until at least October 3rd. 
“Nou bouke!” Haitians say. “We are tired.”
Nevertheless…. our Haitian leaders come to work daily, focused on God and their commitment to serve their communities. They have shown tremendous fortitude and resolve as they work with the Lord and trust in Him to guide their days. Their faith inspires us. 

Organizationally, this is impacting Lifeline's ministry operations. Mission trips to Haiti have been postponed for for 3+ years, which impacts funding to the local ministry there. Getting much-needed shipping containers of nutritious meals and ministry supplies through the port is becoming challenging because of the risk of gang interference. And our relationships with our Haitian staff are nurtured over Zoom (when internet and electricity are even available in Haiti), but we wish we could meet more often in-person! 
So today, we are turning to you to pray, and to pray fervently.

  • Pray for our Haitian leaders – and our staff and teachers – that they have an extra measure of faith, strength, and protection to lead well during these times.
  • Pray for their families.
  • Pray for the children in our nutrition program, families in our churches, students in our schools, and the communities where we serve.
  • Pray that the Lord gives them comfort, wisdom, strength, and hope for a better tomorrow under His reign and rule.

Thank you for caring and for your spiritual support. Thank you for covering the ministry in prayer.