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Rallying For the Lord!

Written by Madame Luc (wife of Pastor "Luc," Haiti Evangelism Director)

The Women’s Rally is BACK! After several years of this popular annual event being on hiatus, women from 7 different Lifeline churches in Haiti finally came together again.

For years and years, missionaries from North America came to Haiti every January to help us host this event. With mission teams not being able to come to Haiti for the past few years, we had to put the event on hold.

But we realized that we had the skills and knowledge ourselves to host it even without the North American women’s assistance because they had taught us so well!

For the Women's Rally this year, groups of women from Lifeline's churches came together, wearing their beautiful matching dresses and bringing their own special talents to share.

The theme was God Has Chosen a People to Carry His Name (Acts 15:14).

The ladies were reminded to continue to serve God and be an example to others. We also used this gathering as an opportunity to meet the new ladies who joined the groups. We wanted to strengthen their faith and teach them about disciple-making.

Being together again was wonderful! We were so happy to see everyone! We sang songs, did crafts, and cooked together. It was an amazing day!

We gave thanks to God that despite all that is happening in Haiti and in our world, God's love is still manifested among His people. We still represent the light of God in this world.

Please pray that our ladies continue to be the Good News to the world by showing the will of God in their lives, to not be discouraged, and to continue to share God's love with the Gentiles.