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Reaching the Indigenous People of Panama

Almost 300,000 Indigenous people live in the Chiriquí mountains of Panama. 

And it is here, in an area known as the Ngäbe-Buglé region, that Caciano and Edixa Rodríguez live and are being used by God.

Three years ago, they met Pastor Jose, Lifeline’s Country Director, when he came to the region with boxes of Lifeline meals from Lifeline’s first meals shipment to Panama. 

Soon afterward, Caciano and Edixa told Pastor Jose that they wanted to offer their home to host a house church. 

Twice a week now, they hold worship services in their small house. Over 35 people attend! 

Caciano and Edixa dream of one day having enough space for at least 100 people to attend a single worship service. They are praying about expanding their small house to accommodate more people.

Mostly, they dream of seeing the church grow throughout the Indigenous region of Chiriquí.

“We are in love with our church. Faith and good works always go hand in hand,” they said.

Caciano and Edixa, holding Lifeline meals that they will share

“Lifeline's meals are positively impacting our province! When we distribute it, we testify to our community about Jesus Christ and His love for our Indigenous community.”

“And,” they said, “a doctor told us that Lifeline's meals are the most nutritious and healthy in all of Panama. We agree with him!”

Lifeline meals are packed and funded by generous people in North America and open doors for the sharing of the Gospel.

Caciano and Edixa are emotional thinking about God’s work in this region. Their eyes welled up with tears as they said, “We are grateful for Pastor Jose, his church leaders and the North Americans who have visited our mountains with Lifeline. We pray for more Lifeline teams to visit from the United States. God bless you!” 

When you pack meals with Lifeline, those meals may reach people in far away places like the mountains of Panama. 

Check out ways you can provide more meals or learn more about Pastor Jose's ministry work in the Indigenous region of Panama!