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Relief and Hope for a Mother and Son

"May God continue to bless Lifeline and all those who contribute in one way or another to share the love of God with those who have lost hope in our world," said Sandina.

As told by Sandina; translated by Raynald, youth communications coordinator

My name is Sandina, and today I feel so blessed to be able to express my gratitude to Lifeline Christian Mission for the amazing work they do in my community.

I live in Haiti. In my neighborhood, the people around me didn't point me in a good direction. I ended up where I didn't want to be. I got pregnant, and my partner decided to leave me after our son was born. Taking care of him on my own was very difficult.

My son's health declined. He was not breastfeeding well, and I was worried.

So, I decided to come to Lifeline's medical clinic to have him checked out.

To my relief, the clinic staff decided to enroll him in the nutrition program which is for babies who are malnourished. 
I was so happy that he finally would get the support he needed. This program changed his life.

Lifeline not only helped my son, but Lifeline helped me too. At the clinic, I have made new friends whose stories are similar to mine. Through our new friendships, we can help each other to find comfort. 

Lifeline staff have shared they gospel with me. And they teach me to be strong and how to fight my stress. 

I haven't fully given my life to God yet, but I look forward to do so. Please keep me in your prayers. I want the will of the Lord to be done in my life.