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Ruth: A New Sister in Christ!

Written by Dee Williams, family nurse practitioner and frequent mission trip participant

I have been on over 25 healthcare mission trips with Lifeline since 1998. But my most recent trip to Honduras ranks up there as one of the most profound and impactful trips! 

On this trip, a mother named Ruth brought her two young boys to the clinic with coughs. I examined and treated them, then, as always, asked the mother if we could pray with her.

My translator Martha and I asked Ruth if she knew Jesus. She just shrugged her shoulders, admitting that she did not have Jesus in her heart and that she did not go to church.

As we prayed for Ruth, I heard her sniffling, and then she started sobbing. I opened my eyes. Tears were streaming down her face.

When the prayer was finished, I asked Ruth if she was OK. “I want Jesus!” she said, still crying. Martha then prayed in Spanish, leading Ruth to Jesus. She confessed her sins, and asked Jesus into her heart and life. And her face began to radiate pure joy!

Upon hearing the news about Ruth, the local Lifeline pastor promised to visit her the next day... Ruth lives just a couple of blocks from the Lifeline church!

Ruth, Dee, Martha, boys
Dee (gray tshirt), Ruth (middle), and Martha (right). These three women are now all sisters in Christ!

God is so good! I know that He had already walked ahead of us and placed Martha and me with Ruth and her boys for the purpose of glorifying Him.

While I was in Honduras, many people pray for me at home. I was on many prayer lists. My pastor had prayed for me to provide "not only physical healing, but spiritual healing as well.” And a friend shared that he had been praying for me to not only provide good medical care, but also to make disciples!

This beautiful experience reminded me that even though I went with the intention of using my medical skills to bring care to the underserved, God had a much higher purpose for me and my Honduran translator Martha!

Interested in going on a Lifeline trip? Find a Lifeline trip that is right for you!