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Salvation in Tajikistan

Almost every day, somewhere in North America, people like you are packing Lifeline meals. And while a meal pack might last for just an hour or so, the impact of the meals goes far beyond what we can imagine.

When Lifeline meals are shipped from our warehouses, they sometimes are destined for far-away places where people are in desperate need of food. In 2023 thus far, they have reached Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jordan, Mexico, Somalia, Syria, Ukraine... and Tajikistan.

Tajikistan is seeing an influx of Afghan refugees and asylum-seekers, fleeing the fighting and the strict rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan. They leave their homes and head into the unknown, wondering where and how they will find shelter and safety along the way. 

Through partnership with Feed The Hungry, Lifeline meals have reached refugees who arrive in Tajikistan. And as they help nourish the body, the meals also meet deep soul needs by opening the door to the hope of the Gospel message.

The following story is heartbreaking and difficult to read... yet the storyteller wants her story to be known. She asked that we not use her or her son's names and that we blur their faces for their protection.

Here is her story:

I am from Afghanistan. When I was just 15 years old, I married a 50-year-old man. I have five children.

In 2021 my husband was kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.

As a newly single mother, I had to find ways to protect my children. But the power of the Taliban was strong, and I felt weak.

The cousin of my murdered husband worked with the Taliban. He forced me to marry him. When I tried to refuse, he threatened to take my children, saying that I would never see them again and that he would give my daughters (ages 8 and 13) as wives to old men from the Taliban. Two days later, they kidnapped my son R.

When I went pay the ransom to get him back, they took to me into a room where he was being held. Then they raped both of us.

After that horrible incident my son began to stutter. Most of the time, he would not talk. 

We fled to a refugee camp in Tajikistan. Life for refugees was and is unbearable in Tajikistan. We had no money, no food and no place to stay. We lost hope and thought we had been abandoned.

The shame my son R felt after the rape was devastating. He cut his veins, trying to commit suicide. Many times, R closed he tried to kill himself in the restroom. I would find him in there laying on the ground crying. He and I both felt hopeless. For both of us, death seemed better than life. I began to think about poisoning myself and all of my children so that we could escape forever.

But our lives changed when one day two Christians came into our lives. They gave us Lifeline meals as well as clothing. They showed us love and care.

They also said that they have "Good News": Jesus loves us and gives eternal life. They visited us often, helped us with food, kept us from starving, and even gave us a place to stay. Through their actions they demonstrated the love of God and prayed for us, proclaiming the Good News.

When they invited us to meetings with other Christians, I decided to go with my children. I enjoyed their Bible lessons, and my children felt safe in the children's program. I started believing in Jesus, seeing His love through these simple God-loving Christians.
After a pastor prayed for me and my children, my son R gave his life to Jesus. He said that didn't want to go back to that horrible old life. He started changing, and I saw smiles on his face. He stopped attempting suicide.

It is a blessing to see how happy my children are and how they rejoice when we have Sunday meetings or Bible classes. Our faith is growing and getting stronger every day.

In the future after I finish Bible school, I want to travel and tell Afghan people who have lost hope about the hope which can be found only in Jesus our Savior. 

What a powerful story! This brave, strong and courageous woman went from hopelessness to hope.

When Lifeline meals are given those who need them, lives are impacted in more ways than just nourishment. Like for this woman, the meals open up the doors to hope through Jesus Christ.

"This story shows that we can be a part of someone's rescue and ultimate redemption through Christ even with sharing food with those in need!"
said Randy Blackburn, Lifeline Logistics Director.

You can be part of this ministry and touch lives of people in unfathomable ways. Join the movement to pack more meals. Get started at or make a donation to help fund the meals.