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Serving the King of Kings

Written by José Rodriguez, Panama Country Director and Pastor of Central Church Panama

The young new church members live in Panama City, 15 minutes from Central Church Panama. In this urban area, there are few churches and opportunities to learn about Jesus. 

Their parents had been concerned about the bad influences that youth often encounter on the city streets. Knowing that their children are now involved in Central Church Panama brings them joy and comfort.

But these youth are not simply going to church regularly. In a short time, they found ways to invest themselves into the church’s ministries! Why? They all want to serve the King of Kings!

Jerry with Pastor JoseJerry joined our audio visual ministry, and sings and plays bass for the music ministry. He has a God-given talent! Nora is a leader of our logistics team and sings at our services.

When we announced an upcoming talent show called "Central Church Got Talent," Nora, Jerry, and many others signed up right away! I loved watching them rehearse and prepare. Serving the Lord Jesus Christ and using their talents to glorify Him is all they want to do!

Jerry said, “All of us would like to win this competition, but the most important thing is to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”

Activities such as these are so important! They attract young people into the church, where they learn that Jesus is the answer to their questions about life. There, they learn about Jesus and His purpose for them.

Nora’s and Jerry’s parents ask for prayers: that God continues to call more young people to His feet in Panama, and that He uses them to continue enlarging His kingdom of God in Panama.

Many thanks to all the partner churches and to Lifeline for all the support of God's work in Panama!

Nora with Pastor Jose