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Stepping into Something New!

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

Finishing high school is a huge achievement for any student! At Ocotillo Christian School in Honduras, our 15 seniors are counting down the weeks and days! The excitement is building! They will graduate in December. 

At this school, all high schoolers are enrolled in a track called the Professional Technical Baccalaureate program, which focuses on computer and information technology. This track prepares them for post-secondary studies in that field.

The final element of this program is a required 7-week internship, which our seniors started on September 5, 2022. Industries that offer internships include banking, advertising, textiles, manufacturing, and government offices. As interns now, instead of heading to school each day, the students put on their professional attire and head to the office!

Often, these internships lead to job offers! Our students really invest themselves in their work and put their best foot forward, knowing that this experience could result in employment.

Even though the internships are not completed yet and national exams are still to come, these seniors are already reflecting on their years at Ocotillo Christian School, their hopes for the future, and reasons they are thankful to God.

  • Kenneth said, "The time I shared with my classmates and teachers is the best memory I have in school. I am planning to go to college next year and have a job, too, if possible."
  • Ailin expressed, "I want to get a good work experience and learn more. And above all, I will give everything of myself so that I can have a good review as an intern." 
  • Silvia shared, "I thank God for the opportunity he gave me and continues giving me daily to be a better person. I am eternally grateful to God for the door that he opened for me when I found a company where I could do my internship!" 
  • Jonathan said, "Please pray for all of us, that we all achieve our goals and dreams in life. Pray for me to continue studying at college so I can grow up more as a person."

Join us in praying for this graduating class of 2022 as they prepare to step into the next chapter of their lives!

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