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The Clinic Reopens!

After a temporary shutdown for repairs and restructuring, one of Lifeline’s health clinics has reopened! 

Lifeline church members and students were the first to receive services during the clinic's "soft opening." This gave the new clinic staff time to settle into their roles and the administration to monitor new processes.

PierrePierre (not his real name) was one of the first patients. He came because he had been unable to afford having a nodule treated elsewhere.

"My heart is overwhelmed with joy," he said. "With the reopening of the clinic, many sick people will be able to receive care again. In Haiti, access to healthcare is a big problem because it is so expensive at hospitals. But at Lifeline, healthcare costs are low. Everyone can afford it."

Lifeline has clinics in Haiti as well as in Honduras, staffed by healthcare professionals who live in the clinics’ vicinity. Medical, dental, lab, and pharmacy services are available. Every patient is offered prayer, and services are provided in Jesus’ name. Holistic basic healthcare can help ensure a healthier, more productive life.

Pierre said, "Lifeline has not only been a blessing to me, but to my whole family, my children, my siblings and my mother! Thank you for the wonderful work Lifeline is doing in my community through the love of God. I will pray that this work can continue."

Pierre in the clinic
Pierre says he is grateful because "at Lifeline, healthcare costs are low. Everyone can afford it."

Lifeline's clinics are working toward a sustainable model. Until then, the clinics depend on donations to provide healthcare for people like Pierre.

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