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The Hope of Clean Water

Written by Brian Snyder, Arizona Mission Director

On the Navajo reservation near Winslow, Arizona, clean drinking water is hard to find.
Very few have running water in their homes or private wells. Many Navajo haul water to their homes, purchasing it from a local government office. Others will sometimes drink water that is meant for livestock use. 

The drought here is playing a role in this problem too. Community wells and rivers are running dry; reservoirs are 100’ below normal levels. In town, city water sometimes runs brown and makes people sick.

Lifeline’s partnership with Filter of Hope is addressing this need with water filter kits! The filter kits can provide a family with clean drinking water for up to 10 years! Lifeline mission teams and other partners have been able to purchase and distribute these kits, train the families to use them, and pray for them as well. To date, 150 filters have been distributed which means roughly 750 people now have clean drinking water! What a gift, which meets an urgent physical need!

But there’s more. These filters help meet a spiritual need too. Dirty and clean water makes for a metaphor for salvation. When training a family to use a filter, we begin by sharing how the dirty water is made clean, just like sin in our lives. We then praise God for making us clean through Jesus Christ who gives us living water. Lastly, we offer prayer and to connect them with our local church or a local Bible study.

Filter of Hope

This is an incredible win for the Kingdom!
 We are giving them something that will last, not just a quick fix. We are training them to live a healthy life and to know that Jesus died for them! 

Please pray for this ministry! Many Navajo are waiting for a filter for their family. You can purchase filters here and ship them directly to us, at Lifeline Christian Mission, 502 Airport Rd, Winslow, AZ 86047.

Thank you!