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The Power of Love

Written by Brian Snyder, Arizona Mission Director

Twelve-year-old Lorenzo lives on the outskirts of Winslow, Arizona. His home is a small trailer. With no vehicle, his family relies on friends, family, and the school bus for transportation around town. His parents struggle to make ends meet, and they try hard to provide for Lorenzo. 

Even with the little they have, they find reasons to rejoice. They find joy in spite of their difficult circumstances. As for Lorenzo, he is known for his beautiful soul and loving heart.

LorenzoLorenzo has been shuffled around in public school, trying to find his place. You see, Lorenzo has a learning difficulty. When he came to Lifeline's Red Sands Christian School in Arizona, he was unsure about the changes and new setting.

To his surprise, he was embraced by everyone, and the school team helped him find his ability to succeed. The small 6th grade classroom environment suited him well, and he soon began to show signs of improvement. He is communicating more, completing his work, taking responsibility, and participating in the archery club. His faith in Jesus is strong!

His father knows that Lorenzo is succeeding because of the love and personalized help that he is receiving there. The caring environment at Red Sands Christian School is making all the difference for Lorenzo!

Perhaps one day, you could meet this amazing young man while on a short term mission trip to Arizona with Lifeline.

Click here to learn more about Winslow, Arizona!