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The Vision for the Port Salut Region

Did you know that since 2019, Lifeline Christian Mission has had a regional hub in Port Salut in southern Haiti? God is doing amazing work there! Let us introduce you to the energy behind the work there: Ricot Léon, Lifeline’s Port Salut Regional Director. 

Ricot was raised in an orphanage in Haiti run by missionaries. Upon graduating from high school in Haiti, Ricot received a scholarship to Alberta Bible College in Canada. He recalls, “I had the chance to leave Haiti right after high school to attend theological training in Calgary, Alberta in 2003. I vividly remember the many culture shocks I experienced being away from Haiti for the first time. Seeing highways, bridges, 24-hour electricity, access to public libraries, access to education, cleanliness, vegetation, and the list goes on.”

God worked in his heart during those years, showing Ricot how his degree and his experiences in an orphanage in Haiti could be combined and used for the good of the people of Haiti.

“The experiences were far more transformative than my academic training; although, I am beyond grateful for the scholarship that I was granted as an international student. I knew then that most of my fellow brothers and sisters from Haiti would never have the opportunity to see and experience what I was experiencing,” Ricot said.

His vision for ministry then started to come into focus!

Ricot explains, Port Salut’s project started with one thing in mind: How can I give back to Haiti a little bit of what I was given in North America?

“There were 5 basic things that I experienced in Canada that helped transition me from a dependent international Haitian student to an interdependent adult:

1) Access to education,
2) job opportunities,
3) ability to pay my own rent and necessities,
4) a Christ-centered environment,
5) and room to make and learn from my mistakes. 

“We want this project to be a Christ-centered community that offers an environment for these 5 things to take root. 

"This project will operate as a transitional training centre to offer sustainable education that is native to Haiti with strong emphasis on agriculture and aquaculture.

“Our targeted audiences are the community youth and young people who grew up in orphanages across the country. As part of their training, these young people will contribute to and benefit greatly the ministry’s current three growing congregations and its agricultural project, which in turn will take them from a state of dependence to interdependence.”

Brad Hammond, Lifeline’s Field Leadership Coach in Haiti, has had the opportunity to see Ricot’s work in Port Salut, and said, It is incredibly exciting to see what the Lord is doing in Lifeline's Port Salut Region in southern Haiti. God has given Ricot a great vision! One of the things that most excites me is Ricot's focus on Gospel-centered community development and self-sustainment. We believe that is the future of Lifeline's work in Haiti.

“According to Jesus, the Gospel is the announcement that ‘The Kingdom of God is here!’ (Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:14-15). We believe Jesus calls us to not only make a proclamation of the Gospel but a demonstration as well.  In other words, we don't just say it; we show it. We don't want to simply preach the Gospel; we depend on the Holy Spirit to help us prove it as well. Our prayer for the ministry in the Port Salut Region of Haiti is simply what Jesus taught us to pray:

‘Your kingdom come,

your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.’”

(Matthew 6:10)


Take a look at Port Salut, Haiti, and treat your eyes to its gorgeous coastline, silvery white sand beaches, and bright blue waters.