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The Volcano Church

A Lifeline trip gives visitors a chance to work side-by-side with people in a far-away location. And in doing so, God shines a light on their unity in Christ!

Here is the story of one team's experience of coming alongside a church in El Salvador.

A Lifeline trip brought together a North American team and an El Salvadoran church! (Front right: Dany Zaldana)

All it took was seeing a need in person. From there, God put the wheels in motion. Here’s what happened.

Several years ago Pastor Mark Perraut (Southland Christian Church, KY) visited El Salvador with Lifeline. During his visit, he toured the small rural community where local families had started El Volcano Church, named in honor of El Salvador's largest volcano.

As Mark learned about this church’s dreams and plans for its future, his heart was captured by their need for a church building.

When Mark learned that the church had finally found land for a building, he saw a golden opportunity for his church in Kentucky to help this church in El Salvador. 

It happened in November: a small construction team from Southland Christian Church went to El Salvador to help construct the new church building! 

And as the Southland team worked side-by-side with the El Salvadoran workers, they bonded. 

“It was a great experience to share and talk about our cultures,” Dany reflected. “We could truly see that we are united by love in Christ Jesus."

And now, the people of El Volcano Church have a place to call their own, a new place to worship, and a connection to new friends from Kentucky who helped make it happen!

Where will God take you? How will He use you to touch lives somewhere far away? Find out by exploring Lifeline trip options. Get started here