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Then, Hope Came!

Affordable healthcare in Haiti is hard to find.

And no one knows this better than a new mother named Dieunica. 
Her daughter Lovetthica was born in January 2023. Over the course of months, Dieunica became worried: Lovetthica was not reaching development milestones and seemed concerningly weak. 

Doctors told Dieunica that her baby’s weakness was due to malnourishment. But what was Dieunica to do? She knew she needed to supplement Lovetthica’s nutrition, but she had no money to purchase formula. 

Desperate for help, Dieunica took Lovetthica from hospital to hospital but quickly learned that she could not afford their fees. Her heart was heavy. 

Then, hope came. 

Friends suggested that Dieunica to try going to Lifeline’s medical clinic.

Dieunica and her daughter Lovetthica, who found hope at Lifeline's infant nutrition program!

At the clinic, Dieunica was amazed at how supportive and encouraging the staff was. She was thrilled… and relieved. She could afford the clinic’s low fee! The staff sent her home with baby formula, at no cost to her. Dieunica thanked God.

"Today was one of the best days of my life! I received support, which brought joy to my heart!" she said after her first visit.

Through the clinic’s infant nutrition program, our healthcare providers will monitor and support Lovetthica’s growth every month until she is on a healthy path. Join us in praying for Lovetthica to get stronger each and every day!

Lifeline’s infant and children's nutrition program currently has over 200 children like Lovetthica who need nutritional support due to malnutrition. The medical clinic and this program are partially funded by people like you.

You can help more children like Lovetthica! Click here to get started.