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"This School is My Home!"

Written by Claudia Meerkaemper, Ecuador Education Manager

AlexanderAlexander has often said, "This school is my home!"

Alexander attended Unidad Educativa Rey Sabio Salomón in Ecuador from preschool all the way through his senior year. He graduated from high school in 2020 and was the best student in his class! He had dreams of immediately starting college.

The pandemic, though, forced the government to reduce funding to public universities. Many professors were laid off. Alexander was disappointed that he would not be able to start college right away. Many Ecuadorian students had to accept this same reality.

Alexander was discouraged, yet he found a way to make the most of his situation.

Because he still loves Rey Sabio Salomón, he decided to use his time to help the school. He is skilled with technology and social media, so Alexander decided to share these talents with the school. He helped the school refine its online learning platform, which was so important while students were learning from home during the pandemic. And when he learned that the school did not have a worship team, he agreed to be the new worship director! He has been such a blessing to the school!

Recently, still hoping to attend university, Alexander applied again for a coveted spot at the public university... and this time he was accepted!

Alexander is grateful and knows that God has a purpose for his life. He prays that God will show him His will. He is ready to follow wherever God wants to take him.

"I can't express the importance of Rey Sabio Salomón in my life! The school has shown me the importance of having God in my life and has given me the tools I need to walk in life. Thanks to the school, I want to live with integrity and be light for Jesus," Alexander said.