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Two Generations of Lives Changed!

Written by Belkis D., and translated by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

My name is Belkis.
I was born and lived part of my life in Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras. Tegucigalpa is a big, modern city in southern Honduras. The hills that surround the city are beautiful!

I learned about Lifeline for the first time through my husband as well as my brothers- and sisters-in-law. They told me about the church, clinic and school. They had been students at Lifeline’s school in Ocotillo, and now, their own children are students there. 

My dream had always been to be part of educational change in Honduras. So learning about the school really interested me, so I applied for a teaching job at the school in Ocotillo… and I was hired!

My first role there was as a preschool teacher at the school. At first, I felt very unsure about my effectiveness; I wondered if I was doing my job well and if I was doing what was expected of me. What I learned in that first year motivated me to want to learn and improve, hoping one day to get a job there as a teacher of natural sciences. 

In 2012, I met two very special people in Ocotillo: Ena (a teacher) and Maya. They invited me to attend Lifeline’s Ocotillo Christian Church. I have been attending this church ever since!

Through my connections with the school and the church, I was struck by the spiritual closeness between the staff, students and church. They place a high importance on putting God first and following Christ over all else.

Belkis & familyMy husband and children are now part of the Lifeline family, as church members, students, and clinic patients. My daughter, Emily Daniela (13), participates in the church's teen group, and my son, Cesar Emilo (8) is in the children's group. They have learned of God's love, as well as how to share the gospel. They have learned not only about the love of God but also the discipline that is required to live for Christ. It is my prayer to see my entire family reunited and serving in the house of God. 

Lifeline has had a great impact on the community! Lifeline was one of the first to bring education to Ocotillo, benefiting many low-income children and giving them a chance in life. Beyond the school, Lifeline also has brought new healthcare services to the area, has empowered the community through various initiatives, and above all, teaches the word of God and lives out the gospel.

Lifeline has changed many lives, including the lives of my family members. My life has changed a lot since those early days when my relatives told me about the school. My family has experienced God's love through Lifeline’s many ministries in Ocotillo, and so have countless others!

Learn more by reading more impact stories and finding out how you can help more people like Belkis and her family!

Belkis and daughter