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Unfinished Journeys of Faith

Written by Claudia Meerkaemper, Ecuador Country Director

Three special people have stepped up as volunteers to be part of Lifeline’s ministry initiatives in Llano Chico, Ecuador.

Their faith is growing by leaps and bounds, and we are excited to see where God is leading them and how He will use them!

Veronica and Denisse
Veronica (left) and Denisse (right) have joined to help launch ministry work in Llano Chico.


Veronica has a great sense of humor, a contagious laugh, a love of music, an empathetic heart, and a love for coffee!

Veronica has been active in her church for a long time. Yet, she believed that God would leave her if she made mistakes or misbehaved. The belief of the need to be perfect hurt her relationship with Jesus. 

When planning began for ministry in Llano Chico, we needed volunteers. Veronica stepped up! She began to attend the Gospel Foundation class with the other new volunteers.

After the second class she said, "Ahhh, it's not just about me. It's about God, His work, and my part in it. I am happy I can do something for God now, not just wait to be in heaven."


Denisse first came to us as an young architect who helped us with some initial facility designs. She is talented, creative, and smart! She knew about God through some relatives, but rarely did she try to speak to Him. 

One day to my surprise, she asked to attend my Bible study. She came, and has continued to come!

On another occasion, I asked her to take photographs of the first Gospel Foundations class (a class for our local ministry volunteers). When she showed up, she asked to stay to listen. Afterwards, when I drove her home, she had endless questions about what she had heard.

I felt God nudging me to ask her to join the class… and again, to my surprise, she said, "Yes!" She is the most punctual student, does all of her homework, and always comes ready to learn. 

Denisse recently said, "Before, I knew about Jesus. But now, He seems more real to me. I understand Him for who He is. The Bible speaks of Him as the Creator and of His love for his creation. I want to be part of this."


Esteban is a teacher and an art historian. Integrity and ethics are always on his mind, and he lives consistently with his values. 

Over time, I have seen Esteban’s interest in Jesus evolve. At first, he was curious about Jesus’ position on ethics and about the historical Jesus.

Over time, as he learned about Him, Esteban understood the Good News and wanted demonstrate it through his life. For example, he provided food for a family in need; and he invested in students’ lives. Jesus’ message was echoing in his heart and life. 

Learning more about Jesus became a priority. He began to study the Old Testament with a friend to understand history through the lens of the Bible. "I talk about God, and I believe He exists. My friends are amazed when I say this!" he said.

Esteban is a reminder that "He who began a good work among you will complete it." (Phil. 1:6)

God has His hand on Denisse, Veronica, and Esteban.
Their faith journeys are unfolding before our eyes. It is a pleasure to watch them grow and learn from the One who created them for His purposes!