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"We Were Born to Win"

Written by Fernando Bonilla (4th grade teacher); translated by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

"We were born to win, not to be defeated."
That is what I tell my 4th graders every day. It is a mantra that the students have ingrained in their hearts.

And every morning when I greet them, I say, "Good morning! You are important. God loves you."

Education is about so much more than the academic curriculum. Education is also about character development and growth through family and personal experiences. I try to be like a father figure to my students, helping them walk through life as they encounter difficult daily challenges.

My class has been learning what it means to not only believe these two familiar statements about themselves but also to use these truths to build up others who might be struggling.

Two of our 4th graders are currently dealing with serious health problems, and so our class is intent on loving them especially well.

One of the students is named Stanley. He cannot write or read. We work hard to support him and come alongside him so that he can learn as best he can.

Carlos Andrés is another classmate who is on my students' hearts. He has had both cancer and Guillain-Barre Syndrome since 1st grade and is unfortunately is now too ill to attend school.

Recently, Carlos told his mother that he wanted to see all of his classmates and his best friends. We excitedly prepared small gifts for him and planned ways to protect him from germs. The students talked about what they wanted to say to him and how they’d pray for him.

A few days ago, his mother and grandmother brought him to school. He was quite weak and had to lay on a cot during the visit. His visit moved all of us. It was an emotional day and one that helped strengthen our resolve to love others well.

We will not stop praying for his health, for the will of our heavenly Father be fulfilled in his life, and for strength for his family. 

In the 4th grade, we are united by faith, smiles, dreams, creativity, dedication, and discipline, having the full certainty that under these pillars we will achieve success.

We know that we were born to win, not to be defeated.

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