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Wilmer's Dream

When Wilmer received a microloan and small business training, he was set on course to achieve financial stability! 

Wilmer (age 21) and his family live in Honduras in a cinder block house with a dirt floor.
 His mother-in-law owns the house.

He earns income from rice crops, land maintenance, and occasional construction jobs. But it’s not enough. Finding steady income that pays the bills is not always easy in Honduras.

Wilmer dreams of one day building his own home. It may be a long road to get there, but his dreams are big!

So when he was invited to attend Lifeline’s economic empowerment training program called “Doing Business God’s Way,” he eagerly accepted. The training was held at a Lifeline church called Guangolola Christian Church.

During the training, Wilmer wrote a plan for a small business where people could come to play video games for a fee and purchase beverages and snacks.

After the training, Wilmer was thrilled to receive a microloan to jumpstart this small business!

Wilmer is grateful. “I learned to be responsible and to manage my money better,” he said. “I also learned tips on how to win clients and provide good customer service.”

Yet Wilmer’s business is just getting started. The initial microloan is a first step. After he proves his financial management skills and pays back this first microloan, additional loans will allow him to add more services and amenities to his microenterprise.

You can ensure that Wilmer and other small business owners like him can receive additional loans and economic empowerment assistance. Give today!