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Cheryl Brechbuhler

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Cheryl BrechbuhlerCheryl serves on our Generosity and Philanthropy Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Cheryl shares:

My first involvement with Lifeline came through donating toward a family member's mission trip to Haiti  As I found out more about the amazing work Lifeline was doing in Haiti and Honduras, my husband and I began doing volunteer work at the Westerville office. Through these connections, I became aware of an available part-time job, interviewed with Gretchen, and was hired.

Over the years, my position has transitioned to full-time, as Lifeline began expanding its ministry impact into other parts of the world. From Haiti and Honduras, God has opened doors to also share Hope with people of Canada, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, and the United States through ministry to the Navajo in Arizona!  It's been exciting, and a true blessing, to be a part of this adventure! 

My family has been involved as well.  My husband and I have always appreciated opportunities to raise our three sons to love and serve God and others, and Lifeline has helped provide those! We've served together as a family through meal packs and mission trips, and with our life group, youth groups and others we've connected with Lifeline. 

Outside of my time at Lifeline,  I love spending time with family & friends, reading, enjoying God's creation, meeting new people, road trips/travel, and serving in our church (primarily in youth/teen ministry – over 30+ years!)  and our local community.  

I believe our mission field is not only in other parts of the world, but wherever we walk in life. I hope to be aware of, and respond to opportunities God provides each day, to love and serve in His name!

Praying for possibilities for Lifeline's future ministry, that we haven't even imagined yet, as we serve the God "who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us".  Ephesians 3:20 

Thank you for partnering and supporting Lifeline's ministry work through your prayers, financial support, volunteer involvement, and encouragement, to help make these possibilities into realities!