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Dana Krahel

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Dana KrahelDana serves on our Advancement Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Dana shares:

It is a pleasure to serve with all the volunteers that come through our doors. God made us to serve him and others. I share that with all the people that come because I feel like we are all more like Jesus when we serve others.

I’ve been with Lifeline for 20 years now so I have been blessed to see many changes. From the humble beginnings in a three-car garage to the beautiful building we are serving from now. Each place holds a memory in my heart.

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I have also seen the changes in the mission fields where we serve. When we add another field I get excited to see how God will use people to further His kingdom in that place.

I have been blessed to travel to some of our field ministries over the years and met the amazing people that God has brought together for this purpose. My husband and number one volunteer, Todd and I also like to lead teams on the mission field. We have lead in Arizona, serving in the Winslow area where we have a Christian school and church. We have also lead in Honduras alongside our longtime volunteer Brenda Johnson. Our work in each location is unique and ever-changing. God is doing a mighty work in those places through some very amazing people.

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In more recent years, I have become a part of the meal pack team and have been able to travel with Todd to help many folks pack meals to ship all over the world. We enjoy this and I feel better equipped to help volunteers that want to serve with us from the experiences. We love meeting people and introducing them to all the Lifeline ministries.

Please pray for Lifeline as we continue to seek His lead in doing Kingdom work.