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Greg Dillow

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Greg DillowGreg serves on our Operations & Logistics Team. 

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Greg shares:

Good day all... Greg here. I’ve been asked to share a little about myself so here goes.

I began my ministry with Lifeline in October of ’04 and so far so good. I haven't been booked on a one-way flight out of the country yet so I’ll take that as a good sign. I work with some fantastic people that I consider close friends... I’m blessed to be a small part of what happens here each day year in year out.

The bulk of my time is spent with the meal pack program. That involves all kinds of fun stuff... event logistics, working with volunteers and coordinators at each location, staging product and equipment as needed, driving a few thousand miles here and there throughout the year and moving boxes... I move a lot of boxes. You may also find me hanging out in the warehouse... moving more boxes. Meals and other items are shipped to our field locations frequently and that certainly keeps us busy.

Greg's collage

On a personal note away from the ministry/work side of things, I have a few interests that keep me out of trouble. I enjoy reading, listening to music and riding motorcycles. I have two dogs and a fresh water aquarium. I also enjoy photography and art. I’ve never been into sports but recently synchronized swimming has caught my attention... we’ll see how that plays out. A most rewarding experience for me has been fatherhood. I’m blessed that my daughter and son remain close to home and we are together often... movies, dinner, weekend visits. Always time well spent!

I’m fond of Matthew 25... when Jesus begins speaking about providing food, water and comfort to those in need. Jesus was so in tune with the needs of the less fortunate, so mindful of their well-being that he reminds his followers doing unto others is doing unto him as well. 

Thank you for helping keep this ministry on track. Lifeline is blessed with dear friends and I’m grateful to have met and worked with many of you. If you’re attending a meal pack event there’s a good chance I’ll be there... introduce yourself and say hello. If you can’t find me right away sit tight, I’m probably busy moving boxes.