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Kathy Hunka

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Kathy Hunka
Kathy serves on our Lifeline Canada Team and Marketing & Communications Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Kathy shares:

I had just graduated from University and was unsure of what to do. I moved to Calgary and joined Northern Hills Church 6 years ago, which was a church that Lifeline Christian Mission helped establish. I started working but had a desire to serve in Central America but couldn’t find an organization to partner with. A friend recommended Lifeline to me, and all the doors started opening for me to go to Honduras and serve for two weeks.

Kathy in Honduras

I have been lucky enough to serve people in Belize, Guatemala, China and Honduras. These trips have changed me and stirred in me a desire to work with people and work full time in ministry.  I wasn’t sure when or if the opportunity to work full time in ministry would come. I kept praying.

As I prayed God opened new doors, I met my husband Jamie and we got married just a few years ago. We both enjoy doing ministry together, serving people, and playing soccer together. 

Kathy w husband Jamie

I was later asked to be on the Board of Directors for Lifeline Canada. My values and desires lined up with Lifeline, so I quickly agreed. Over the past year I have volunteered with Lifeline through meal packs, summer camps, mission trips and so much more. The potential of working with Lifeline came up. At first, I was very hesitant, but God has continued to provide for Jamie and me. I have been so blessed working at Lifeline. Thanks to everyone who is partnering with us! 

Kathy w Lifeline Canada