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Matt Collins

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Matt and DeenaMatt serves on our Logistics Team

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Matt shares: 

From an early age, I knew whatever path I took in life it would involve helping people. I often prayed and asked God to send me an opportunity to be involved in something impactful, something that would make a difference in the world.

In 2010, God answered my prayer. The company I worked for went through a massive restructure and I was informed that my job was being “downsized.”  I really think there needs to be a warning label on prayer. Be careful what you pray for. He may answer “yes” but not in the way you expect. I had a wife and five kids at home who relied on me for support. So what was my reaction? The amazing thing is, rather than feelings of anger or frustration, I felt a peace come over me. At that moment, I felt free to search for the purpose I had been praying for.

Matt Collins and family

I love connecting people to missions, especially at meal packing events. I love to see families serving together: grandmas and grandpas working alongside their grandkids; moms, dads, cousins, friends, neighbors all working together for a common goal.  We all have a role in this world. We are all called to do our part no matter how big or how small. No matter how busy we are, we all have time to help a friend or a neighbor whether they are right next door or 1,000 miles away. God has taught us that his plan is so much bigger that what we can see, and I am excited to be part of it. And I am excited that our family is able to join me on the journey.

Let me tell you a little about my family. My wife Deena and I have five kids: Leah, Ally, Ethan, Noah and Drew. We love to spend time together. We love to be silly. We love to laugh. We love Jesus. We love to serve together. We are competitive and we are die-hard fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers! I can’t express how important it is to have the support of my family and the ability for them to serve alongside me as we help show the world how much Jesus loves them.

Matt Collins and family

I also have the privilege to work alongside some of the most humble and selfless people.  Our team is like a family, and I am so grateful for them. We work hard together for a common goal and we don’t mind ending the day exhausted because it’s for all the right reasons.  

My daily prayer is that God will continue to use me in whatever capacity he desires to help people see his love.  

Thank you for joining my story! With your support, you help create opportunities for people to serve, experience God's love and to spread God's love both locally and globally!