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Matt Termeer

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Matt TermeerMatt serves on our Development & Empowerment Team.

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Matt shares: 

My first experience with missions came at age 16, when I traveled to Venezuela with my youth group. God immediately opened my eyes to his global church and its need for strong leadership. Through the rest of high school, I was able to take several more trips, to New Orleans, Appalachian Kentucky, and Mexico. 

Those missions experiences, in part, led me to attend Johnson Bible College. During my college summers, I was able to intern with: CrossRoads Missions, focusing on inner-city Louisville; my home church, Discover Christian Church in Dublin, Ohio; and at Lifeline's office and warehouse. Throughout those years, God taught me about service and hard work, and the great needs of those precious to him. 

From Johnson, I went to Lincoln Christian University to pursue another degree. My first week there, I met a beautiful young woman named Chelsea, whom I would marry less than a year later. God blessed me by leading me to a mate that shares a passion for missions. Chelsea had been involved for years with a ministry in the Dominican Republic, and we had the chance to travel there together on a mission trip just about a year into our marriage. 

After graduating from seminary, Chelsea and I moved to Oklahoma to work with Cookson Hills Christian Ministries. I taught Bible and history in the high school, and Chelsea counseled about a dozen of the students. While there, we had our first child, a lovely daughter we named Abigail. After two years of service with Cookson, we decided to look for God's next mission for our family. 

Matt Termeer's family

That next mission was with Windward Islands School of Evangelism, located on the island of Barbados. While preparing for that mission, we had our second child, a strong son named Samuel. At WISE, I was able to teach several classes over the course of two semesters and a summer term, educating young men and women to become the next leaders of the Caribbean church. Chelsea again provided counseling services to students, and also taught a couple classes. 

And now God has led me back to Lifeline. I am excited to serve his Kingdom in this way, helping to develop leaders, equipping them for ministry, and connecting people to missions opportunities. I am especially excited for when my family gets to join me in this ministry. I am so glad that God has given me this chance to utilize the gifts that he has given me for the advancement of his Church.