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Mike & Sandy Gleason

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Mike and Sandy GleasonMike serves on our Short Term Mission Experience Team and Global Fleet & Properties Team and Sandy serves on our Short Term Mission Experience Team and Operations & Logistics Team. 

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Mike & Sandy share:

We feel so blessed to be able to serve as a couple through Lifeline Christian Mission. After being deeply impacted by a mission trip to Honduras with Lifeline in 2003, we have a passion to help others in listening to how God is speaking into and through their lives. Sharing the gospel with them for the first time or by encouraging them in their walk with the Lord: in every opportunity we are thankful for the privilege of sharing Christ’s love in a very needy world.

In September 2017, we joined the Lifeline family as one of the mission trip managers. Volunteering in this role the past 6 years has allowed us to travel and meet many people and we are excited to be able, as a couple, to now minister in this way on a full-time basis.

Mike and Sandy

When we are at home, we cherish the time we spend with our children and their families. We are blessed with two great sons, two awesome daughters-in-law, and 6 grandchildren, with another one on the way. Being called Papa and Nana melts our hearts! One of the favorite things we like to do is to go camping and sit around the campfire with family and friends. We have camped since we were kids and truly enjoy it. (Ask us sometime about our first camping trip as a young married couple. Forgetting to bring certain supplies didn’t keep us from cooking on the fire!)

Mike and Sandy

The Lord has blessed us more than we deserve, and we’re honored to be on staff at Lifeline. We are humbled by all those who are currently partnering with us prayerfully and/or financially in this ministry. Please reach out to us if you like to know more about us ( or or Lifeline Christian Mission.