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Ricot & Mandy Leon

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Ricot Leon
Ricot serves on our Haiti Team and Lifeline Canada Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Ricot shares:

Thank you for choosing to partner with the Leon family. We believe this journey is worthy of its calling, and so far, it has touched, impacted, and transformed many lives. With your prayer, help, and support we believe greater things are yet to be done!

Mandy and I have been married for 12 years. We started working in Haiti, my home country, in 2008, six months after we got married! We were inexperienced at that time, but we are now living proof of how God can qualify the unqualified to fulfill his work on earth. Not only has the fruits of our labor been blessed beyond our wildest imaginations but we have also been blessed with four beautiful kids: Isabelle, Josiah, Taliah, and Shamar. Mandy and I look forward to seeing them grow on the mission field, integrate fully in the Haitian and North American cultures, and develop a passion to help and walk alongside the poor as we have.

Your role is vital as a partner and friend who is journeying, praying, and supporting us as we work on the front line. From the bottom of our hearts, we say thank you!