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Rick Scruggs

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Rick Scruggs
Rick serves on our Lifeline Canada Team and Development & Empowerment Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Rick shares:

After 40+ years in local church ministry with the Bow Valley Christian Church in Calgary, I wasn’t sure what God might have in store. What I did know was that I wasn’t ready for retirement. Debbie and I had often hosted Ben Simms (Lifeline's President) when he came to Calgary or passed through on his way to the mountains, so it was that relationship that opened the door to my involvement with Lifeline.

Rick and his wife

Despite having established a Canadian board, Lifeline didn’t have anyone working in Canada, so in January of 2017 Ben invited me to become their first employee north of the 49th. I wear several “hats” in my role, connecting Canadian churches to Lifeline’s ministry via short-term mission trips and meal packing events, engaging Canadian church leaders in leadership development with churches in Central America, and being a catalyst for planting new churches here in Canada.

The Canadian arm of Lifeline Christian Mission is a bit like a church plant itself. We’re working to make Lifeline known among churches across the country and building relationships with church leaders. It all takes time and persistence and presence. Our goal is to assist churches in “sparking lives on mission for God.” We believe that engaging people in meal packing, short-term mission trips, partnerships with Central American churches and planting new churches here in Canada has the potential to do that!

Debbie and I are currently serving with the Northern Hills Church here in Calgary. Northern Hills is a congregation that Lifeline Christian Mission helped to start four years ago. Not only has our church been blessed by mission trips from the US, we’ve also sent a number of our community on mission trips to Haiti and Honduras.

Rick's collage

In our spare time Debbie and I enjoy spending time with our three sons and their families. Every summer we attempt to take our grandchildren camping for a week. It seemed like a workable idea when there was three but now its rather overwhelming with 10!

Anyone who likes the idea of a “mission trip” in the Canadian Rockies might consider joining us???