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Rob McCabe

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Rob McCabeRob serves on our Centre Mobilization Team. 

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Rob shares:

I’ve discovered that by drawing close to God you find the real you. That was so true of me. By the time I reached adulthood I realized that growing up in a home without a Bible left a lot to learn about this Jesus that I wanted to follow.  It wasn’t until I was thirty years old that I made an altar call that changed my life. I knew that I was born again, a new creation! That’s when an amazing journey began. A journey that would lead me to face fears and do and be things I never thought were ‘me’. I was right. These things I was doing and becoming were…Jesus, alive in me! Then came 2015 and my first mission trip. The loving heart that I thought I had was about to explode with love and compassion like never before. That’s when I realized that we have the ability to love more deeply than we ever thought possible. We just need to let Jesus take us places.

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One of the places where God took me was here at Lifeline Christian Mission. I have the wonderful privilege of serving two of our remarkable ministries—Advancement and the Meal Pack experiences. As the Connection Manager, I have the joy of connecting your passions to the people, projects, ministries, and support that save lives, both physically and spiritually.  Everything I do with Lifeline is to bring Hope to the pastors, families, and children whom we serve.

And then there’s my own family.  My wife and two daughters (ages 8 and 9) are such perfect and precious joys in my life. I travel quite a bit around the country introducing churches, organizations, businesses, and donors to Lifeline as well as managing meal pack events on many weekends. My family covers me in prayer and are so supportive in the work that I get to do. They make returning home so sweet!

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It is my desire to help you be all that God made you to be. Discovering your destiny gives your life fulfillment, meaning, and purpose. As Ephesians 2:10 states “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” If you believe enough in Lifeline Christian Mission to offer your prayers, resources, and financial support, I want to bring honor and reward to your investment in this ministry. If you will share your passions with me, I will do my best to be your ambassador. Let’s journey together and discover the wondrous things God has in store. May God bless you in unexpected ways. And may the world come to know the glorious Truth of Jesus!

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