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Danny Smith

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AJ SatterfieldDanny serves on our Centre Mobilization Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Danny shares:

My journey into ministry started with the local church, serving as a pastor in different seasons overseeing youth, small groups, and discipleship for a little over 20 years. Most recently, for 8 years I taught Biblical and Theological Studies at a Christian high school. All of these ministries have reiterated the conviction that my job is to help people get into the presence of Christ so He can change them. Working with Lifeline is another unique opportunity to see the work of Christ bear witness to the presence of Christ, which changes everything for those who believe. 

I was introduced to Lifeline on a trip to Haiti with one of my daughters in 2011, and then again in 2013 on a family trip to Guatemala, and in 2014 on a team trip to Cuba. Like so many others on trips, my eyes and heart become broken and open to a Kingdom reality that confronted and challenged my worldview. I’m excited to be working alongside a team of people committed to a Kingdom work that will outlive us.  

I’m married to Maria, and we are in the fun stage of experiencing an empty nest while still parenting our adult children. My wife is an elementary school teacher. My oldest daughter Halle recently graduated (graduate school) from DePaul. And our youngest Emilee recently graduated (undergrad) from Indiana University.

In my free time I enjoy exercising, playing golf, reading, hanging out with friends, and eating good food. I was voted most likely to become a priest in high school, so I’m sort of fulfilling that dream too!