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David Hamilton

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David HamiltonDavid serves on our Connections & Engagement Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

David shares:

I have had a very interesting journey with God my entire life.  A great portion of my life into adulthood was spent running from God as fast as I could.  But the line from the poem, “The Hound of Heaven'' sure rang true for me, “As the hound follows the hare, never ceasing in its running, ever drawing nearer in the chase, with unhurrying and unperturbed pace, so does God follow the fleeing soul by His Divine grace.”

The chase ended for me in the mid 80's and I have served our Lord and King ever since. A couple of years into my faith journey, I enrolled at Pacific Christian College (now Hope International University) and received my B.A. degree in Church Growth and Biblical Studies, still not being sure what my vocational path would bring. You’ve heard it said, “Hindsight is 20/20.” Well, little did I know that God would use the 20 years I had worked with Church Extension Funds (Church Development Fund, and The Solomon Foundation -- investments and loans to churches) to bring me to “such a time as this,” where the mission field will look excitingly different.  


I met Ben Simms for the first time at The Solomon Foundation and knew that he was connected to a ministry called Lifeline but really didn’t think much about it then. One thing I had thought about many times throughout my ministry life was, “How I could do a better job of helping people connect to the heart of the gospel as what is found in the book of Acts?” What an amazing reality it would be for the world to see the church today meeting the needs of people throughout the world! I truly believe that is exactly what Lifeline Christian Mission is positioned to do: multiply the local church, empower tomorrow’s leaders, help communities live life to the fullest through health and nutrition, elevate people to experience their God-given potential, and to mobilize the local church to get out of their comfort zones.

My truest blessing from God is my family: my wife Kim, and our 3 grown children, Zack, Kaylee and Kelsey. With me being the newest to the Lifeline crew, my family and I are all looking forward to doing some meal packs together and supporting the ministry both in time and resources so that the mission of this ministry can replicate the church of old.  Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could be a part of “turning the world upside down” again with the help of Lifeline Christian Mission?

One way you can help in this kingdom transformation is to take some action steps by getting out of “familiar” comfort zones. First, go to our website and see for yourself how Lifeline is impacting the world; second, make a prayerful decision to get involved with your prayers, your involvement in a meal pack, and/or your financial support. One of my favorite verses, which I have on each one of my emails is,  “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:14. Let’s run this race together!!