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Hollie Gregory

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Hollie serves on our Centre Mobilization Team.

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Hollie shares:

My journey with Lifeline….

In 2006 when I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go on my first international mission trip to Haiti. Little did I know that when I stepped off of that airplane that my heart and my life would be forever changed! Not only did I meet and make lifelong friends with women from all over the United States, but the friendships with my sponsor children, their families and my translators are now an extension to my own family. My heart, and my heart for Haiti and missions, will never be the same! 

Each time I traveled to Haiti and learned of the needs, the more I wanted to be involved. Over the years I was blessed to initiate a “shoe ministry” in North Carolina, telling others about the needs of Haitian children. We have collected and sent to Haiti thousands of new shoes over the years (with the help of my N.C. Haiti Ladies Team)!  My family has also assisted with and led Lifeline meal packing events here in North Carolina and are humbled by the ability to help to feed children all over the world through this amazing program. We LOVE and cherish the time that we are able to serve together as a family!

As a survivor in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, I realized that God had a special purpose for my life with this ministry. His demonstration of faithfulness, healing, and provision during such a devastating time for many provoked in me a fearless spirit to serve, wherever and whatever. My prayer became, “Lord send me…”

My career has been in Physical Therapy (25 years!), but my prayer journey over the last 10 years has been for God to open up a door for full-time ministry. As I think about all of the doors that God has brought me through, (both opened and closed doors), I can see His hand ALL OVER every piece of it, preparing me for this next chapter in my life: serving Him through Lifeline Christian Mission. I feel so incredibly blessed to begin this journey in 2021!


A little about me and my family…

My husband Charles and I have been married for 28 years and have three AMAZING sons: Austin, Jordan, and Cayson. In May 2021, we will be gaining a “bonus daughter” when Austin and Gabrielle get married! We are so excited that our family is growing! Their hearts for ministry and serving the Lord never cease to amaze me, and I am never happier than when we are able to do it TOGETHER!

I enjoy any activity that takes me outside, where I can enjoy God’s creation: hiking, kayaking, boating, working in my yard, and planting my flowers. I also love to decorate, and enjoy an additional ministry opportunity with my photography business! I love a good cup of coffee, ice cream, (did I mention CHOCOLATE?!?), and just being able to spend time with my family!

It may sound cliche, but I am truly so grateful, thankful, and blessed with who God has placed in my life, the life He has given me, the desires of my heart, and His grace and mercy that He extends to me every day!